Monday, July 5, 2010

On Beauty reading schedule

Hopefully you have all been able to pick up the new book, On Beauty, and are ready to get started.

The book is divided into three sections, so instead of having two discussions we have decided to have three, one after each section is complete. Below is the chat schedule.

kipps and belsey
chat: Wednesday July 14 at 6:30pm

the anatomy lesson
chat: Monday July 26 at 6:30pm

on beauty and being wrong
chat: Saturday August 7 at 11am

So have the first section (~125 pages) completed by July 14, the second section (~150 pages), and the final section (~170 pages). The sections aren't equal in length and that is why the schedule is kind of all over the place.

Please try and contribute to the discussion on the blog and/or in the chats. We don't expect everyone to be able to make them all (but cheers if you can), but we'd love to hear your thoughts sometime.
The first post for discussion will go up this week, on Wednesday July 7 after 6pm.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good to me! Looking forward to our discussions.
