Sunday, July 25, 2010

On Beauty, The Anatomy Lesson

In preparation for the final chat, I want to know who is able to make the chat as it is currently scheduled:
on beauty and being wrong
chat: Saturday August 7 at 11am

Please comment with a yes or no.

Below is the transcript for our last chat.

Friday, July 23, 2010

On Beauty, The Anatomy Lesson chat

Well it looks like the anatomy lesson chat will be rescheduled to Sunday (7/25) afternoon, 3pm PST.

Unfortunately, there was no time that fit everyones convenience, but hopefully those who can't make this chat will be available for the third (and final) chat for On Beauty:
on beauty and being wrong
chat: Saturday August 7 at 11am

I hope those who were struggling with kipps and belsey have found the the anatomy lesson more enjoyable.

I am really enjoying the read and I look forward to discussing it. If you can't make the chat, feel free to post your thoughts here. To get it started, let me share with you what comes to mind when Howard opens his mouth: "oh no he didn't!" Particularly, after he speaks of the woman he married on page 207.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On Beauty Chat 2, date change?

Just a reminder that we have our second chat for On Beauty coming up.

The previously set date and time are Monday July 26 at 6:30pm, however in the last discussion people expressed some conflict with that. So, here is your opportunity to suggest a better time/date. Please keep in mind that we still have our final chat August 7, so it would be better to keep the next chat sometime in the first half of next week (Sunday-Wednesday).

All suggested times should be submitted by Friday (7/23) morning, and Friday afternoon we will announce the final date/time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On Beauty Part One Chat Transcript

Thanks to everyone who participated in our first of three chats on On Beauty! If you were unable to make the chat, we invite you to read the transcript, after the jump.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On Beauty Part One Chat Tomorrow

We refuse to be each other.
H.J. Blackham
Hello, friends! Exciting news: tomorrow is our first chat on Zadie Smith's On Beauty! According to our schedule, our first chat will discuss the first part of the book, "Kipps and Belsey," which is the first 125 pages of my paperback edition.

So, if you're going to participate in tomorrow's chat, RSVP in the comments and send me your Gmail address (if we aren't already Gchat contacts). Our Gchat will commence at 6:30 pm Pacific time tomorrow, Wednesday, July 14th. We look forward to tomorrow's discussion!

Also, it's not too late to add preliminary comments on part one to CC's post from last week. This is also a great place for people to participate if they cannot make one of our chats. And, click here for our full reading schedule for On Beauty.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

kipps and belsey, pt 1

Let's get some first impressions of On Beauty.

What are people's initials thoughts about the book? How do you like the story, the characters, and the writing?

Monday, July 5, 2010

On Beauty reading schedule

Hopefully you have all been able to pick up the new book, On Beauty, and are ready to get started.

The book is divided into three sections, so instead of having two discussions we have decided to have three, one after each section is complete. Below is the chat schedule.

kipps and belsey
chat: Wednesday July 14 at 6:30pm

the anatomy lesson
chat: Monday July 26 at 6:30pm

on beauty and being wrong
chat: Saturday August 7 at 11am

So have the first section (~125 pages) completed by July 14, the second section (~150 pages), and the final section (~170 pages). The sections aren't equal in length and that is why the schedule is kind of all over the place.

Please try and contribute to the discussion on the blog and/or in the chats. We don't expect everyone to be able to make them all (but cheers if you can), but we'd love to hear your thoughts sometime.
The first post for discussion will go up this week, on Wednesday July 7 after 6pm.