Sunday, July 24, 2011

Book Eight: Pick Your Winner

We are now ready for Book Eight, yay! I know I haven't posted the chat for The Devil in the White City, and I apologize. Google and I have been fighting recently so the chat needs to be copy and pasted from a few chat windows and then I must edit my "argh"s and "Facebook chat is better than you, G-chat!" remarks that really don't pertain to the chat.

So, in the meantime, lets move onto choosing the next book.

Since we went more quickly through Book Seven, and not everyone was able to participate, I thought it might be good to choose from our other Book Seven contenders.

So here are the choices:
1) We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver
2) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Locks, by Rebecca Skloot
3) City of Thieves, by David Benioff
Cast your vote by Wednesday.

Also, give me some feedback on how the pace of the last book went. Did we spend not enough time reading it? Too much time reading it? Let me know how we can make this book club better. It has been over a year now, lets work on ways to make this experience more enjoyable.


  1. I'll say: 2, 3, 1.

    A for suggestions: I thought the time frame for reading was a bit short for that particular book, it was long and a bit dense. Maybe we should take length into consideration?

    Also, and this is probably easier said than done, would it help if we came up with some topics or questions before starting so we could consider them as we read, and then discuss after?

    I've never been in a book club so I have no idea what's normal...just some ideas :)

  2. 1, 2, 3...

    Thanks for the feedback Amanda!

    We went quickly through this last book because our last book we had too much time to read it because it was a lot less dense and therefore an easier/faster read. I think I might have us stick to 4-weeks (5-weeks when you consider we usually take a week to transition between each book) for every book and we just have to adjust our speeds accordinly because I'd like to go through more books. However, that ambition is very likely to change once school starts.

    As for the topics, I had initally wanted to have some discussions on the blog between chats, but that kind of got to be a lot of work for me so it didn't last long. I'd love it if maybe more people would like to contribute to the blog! We could either take turns each book, or do something less structured and anyone can post a question or reaction to the book before our discussion.
