Sunday, November 6, 2011

Catching Fire, Mockingjay, and Choosing Our Next Book

Tallyho, Still Thinkers!

To accomodate everyone's schedules, we're going to postpone our chat on Catching Fire and Mockingjay.  Our proposal: the evening of next Monday, November 14th.  Please post your availability for that evening, and propose alternate dates/times if that will not work for you.

In light of the fact that we are a sophisticated group of multitaskers, we also wanted to start our conversation about choosing our next book, which is technically Book 12.  Congratulations for all of the reading we have accomplished, and thank you for your participation!

Just think: that is so many books, you could bake a dozen cupcakes, and decorate each one differently to represent all of the books we have read.  Of course, the twelfth cupcake would be as of yet unfrosted, because we don't yet know what we're reading, so...

Also in the comments, please post your suggestions for our next book!  Without your input, our metaphorical twelfth cupcake will be forlorn and devoid of sprinkles.


  1. 11/14 won't be good for me I am driving back from U. Vermont that night. Tuesday Wednesday anytime as of right now work for me. As for the next book I will have to think some more. On my to read list is House of God but that is about intern year so maybe not for everyone.

  2. Tuesday or Wednesday could work for me, though Wednesday would be easier.

    I recently started reading Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void, by Mary Roach. It is an excellent read, asking all the questions you always wondered about space travel.

    Steven King's new book on the Kennedy assassination, 11/22/63, would be interesting.

    A current bestseller is The Dovekeepers, by Alice Hoffman.

    Or, what about a classic? I've always wanted to read some Russian literature, such as Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

  3. Tuesday evening, anytime, works for me. Wednesday after 6pm.

    I propose Joan Didion's new book Blue Nights

    I would also second Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void, by Mary Roach

    and Stephen King's 11/22/63

  4. Tuesday or Wednesday work for me. I don't get off work until 7pm, so it would have to be at 8pm.

    The Roach book sounds interesting, and I am ALWAYS down for a Stephen King (though I've found his short stories to be better than his super long books).

    My suggestion is for The Handmaid's Tale. I've wanted to read it since Amanda read it for a class back at Cal, and I think reading it right now is very apropos.
