Saturday, January 22, 2011

Book #4 Shakespeare’s Kitchen

Our next read shall be, Shakespeare’s Kitchen by Lore Segal. The book is 240 pages. We'll have until Friday to get the book and take 3-weeks to read. Next chat will be
the weekend of February 19. Please post availability for the 17-21 and we'll settle on a time by 1/28.


  1. 2/17- 6pm PST
    2/19- 2pm PST
    2/21- 6pm PST

  2. I would very much prefer 2/17 at 6 pm PST, as I have a friend coming into town that Friday. But, if that doesn't work for people, I suppose evenings would work best for me that weekend.

  3. i don't know my schedule so any should be fine the 2/19 might be a problem if I have to go in

  4. I guess I prefer 2/17 (I don't really care though, I don't have plans that weekend) but Cindy, aren't you going to be in the bay that 3-day weekend?

  5. actually, if it is that thursday, i may be late depending on my commute (my bus often gets stuck in traffic around that time) so I prefer monday... but I can just join whenever, if it is thursday.

  6. What about later on Thursday? East Coast kids, is 7 or 8 PST too late to start?
