Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On Beauty Chat 2, date change?

Just a reminder that we have our second chat for On Beauty coming up.

The previously set date and time are Monday July 26 at 6:30pm, however in the last discussion people expressed some conflict with that. So, here is your opportunity to suggest a better time/date. Please keep in mind that we still have our final chat August 7, so it would be better to keep the next chat sometime in the first half of next week (Sunday-Wednesday).

All suggested times should be submitted by Friday (7/23) morning, and Friday afternoon we will announce the final date/time.


  1. To start off, here are dates/times I am avaiblae for:
    Sunday anytime after 1pm
    Monday-Wednesday anytime (the sad, felxible life of one who is currently unemployed)

  2. I am free Sunday afternoon, Monday after 8 pm, Tuesday after 8 pm, or Wednesday after 6 pm.

    Chris Page informs me: "Wednesday the 28th is the soonest day I can make a discussion for sure. I will be in Washington D.C./Virgina from Thursday to Monday and have limited if any internet access. I might (25% chance) be able to make a 6:30 Monday night discussion depending on my flight being on time. Tuesday I have tentative plans for the evening, but unless I hear back from people I will be free."

  3. I am free Sunday afternoon and that is honestly the best time for me. Monday is almost for sure out of the question and I could do Wednesday at 6pm. Earlier on Tuesday would work too but I need to be asleep before 8PST (11 EST).

  4. Sunday afternoon and Tuesday evening are preferable. Monday is doable I think but I probably won't be able to make Wednesday. (Oh, and unless it's moved to Wed I will SHOW UP this time :)
